ソドム – 聖レクイエム LP

This LP and 7“ compile two of THE greatest moments in japanese hardcore: Sodom’s tracks off the legendary ADK Omnibus Vol. 1 from 1983 and their equally great 聖レクイエム tape from 1984. On these two recordings Sodom still played simple and brutally vicious hardcore, and had not yet evolved to their later post punk/new wave/avantgarde style yet.

The compilation songs are the more primitive ones of the batch and are hard to beat in their awe inspiring, primitive, thrashing simplicity. Wow! The tape is as great, but a lot darker, with more dirgy and unhinged moments.

The only thing I don’t like about this release, is that the order of the tracks has been totally scrambled. This kind of thing really pisses me off because it is absolutely unnecessary, and bands usually have reasons for chosing the order of their songs. I took the liberty of numbering them in the way they were released on the original records.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Just wow!

Auto-Mod – ST 7″

This 7“ was Auto-Mod’s debut from 1981. All in all they’re still a lot more punk on this record when compared to their later releases. This punkier attitude starts off with that fake phone conversation in the intro, in which singer Genet gets a call from Ronald Reagan and calls him a fuckin’ fascist, and is further shown in the song writing. Love Generation is a great off-beat punk with a moody verse and a bouncy chorus. The next song, “woman from the porn mag” is another great punk number, but the real monster is “Horror” on the b-side: it starts out with a slightly wrong organ rendition of Deutschland Über Alles as the background to Hitler’s speech to the german reichstag at the start of WWII, which then morphes into a pounding, somewhat atonal punk stomper, with some synth noise and a screeching sax, lasting over 8 minutes and only slightly shorter than this sentence.

Get it, you fuckers!

自閉体 – ST LP

This LP is a recent bootleg of an early 1979/80 demo or live recording of Michirō Endō’s pre-The Stalin band Jiheitai (something like autistic body), who are sometimes (for example on this very record!) referred to as Jieitai (自衛隊), meaning Japan’s army aka the Self Defense Force. Quite a lot of these songs would later turn into songs by The Stalin, so there’s not a lot of new stuff that needs to be said about the music. Most of the songs are still a bit slower, and there are some cool, unheard guitar licks e.g. in the opener 冷蔵庫, that would disappear before the re-recordings. I’m not sure how much of The Stalin’s later line-up was already present in Jiheitai, but afaik Tam was not.

Although the sound quality is pretty basic, this is definitely a cool and enjoyable record, so

Get it!

Judgement – Just Be… 7“

Just Be… from 2000 was Judgement’s final 7“ after yet another change of lead singers. Seems like they really went all out for their last release, after all „Just Be…“ was their only four track EP (!) after a string of 4 singles, haha. I guess I’ve already sung all the praises there are to be sung about Judgement in my last posts of their 7“es, but still:

This is great shit!

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